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How To Perm Short Hair Without Rollers? Easy And Effective Ways
Foam curls
[Image: how-to-get-short-hair-perm-without-rollers-foam.jpg]
Foam rollers seem to be the perfect perm tool because of their cylindrical shape and non-metallic body. You can use foam rollers to curl all your hair and hold it in place with a leather band. However, it is important to note that foam rolls are fragile and the chemical liquid used for perming may cause corrosion. So before you try it, take out a foam roll and pour a little perm liquid on it. Wait fifteen minutes, as long as the solution does not corrode or dissolve the foam, you can safely use the foam roll to perm your hair! However, if you need to heat your hair, you still need to pay attention to the heat resistance of the foam to avoid fire.
[Image: how-to-get-short-hair-perm-without-rollers-straws.jpg]
Are you surprised that a simple straw can also be used as a curling iron? Start by curling your hair tightly around the straw, starting at the base of your hair and wrapping it around near the end of the first straw. Curl the straw into the hair until the entire strand is curled. Once you have curled the hair use bobby pins to hold the straw in place and repeat the steps above for the rest of the hair. Using a straw to curl your hair can work for many different hair band sizes and styles and is especially good for those who like to curl their hair in smaller sizes and want to create even smaller curls. When removing, make sure your hair is dry before carefully removing the straws. Release one curl at a time. Start by unclamping it from the bobby pin. Next, simply roll the straw in the opposite direction to detangle your hair. Depending on your hair type, simply detangling the bobby pins may cause the strands to loosen on their own.
[Image: how-to-get-short-hair-perm-without-rollers-pencils.jpg]
It sounds pretty shocking to think that you can make curls just by having a pencil, right, but it's really achievable. Part a small section of your hair, run your straightener through your hair, and twist your hair around the pencil. First, make sure your straightener is not too hot or it will burn your hair directly. If you have very fine hair and have done hairdressing projects like perms and coloring before, it is recommended to keep the temperature of your straightener below two hundred degrees. For very coarse and hard hair, a temperature setting of between 200-300 degrees is sufficient. While twisting the hair on the pencil, leave the hair for about five seconds. After waiting another ten seconds, slowly twist the hair out of the pencil and spray a styling spray or gel on the hair to hold the style in place before finishing.

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