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I've lost count.......
Well, I had my appointment with my HRT therapist today, and I started back on electrolysis this past Tuesday. My estradoil is being bumped up to 6mg per day, 2mg three times a day. And she looked at my orchicetomy incision and said it looked good. I have had this tiny lump on the underside of my penis, about 1/2" from the base. It turns out that is one end of the incision where the suture was tied off. So I have a few more weeks to go before I can easily sit in the tub and shave my legs; so it is Veet until then I guess. I hate trying to shave standing up!

She also asked me if I had ever given some thought to writing an article about what I am doing. I told her about my forum postings and a couple of failed attempts on a couple of other forums to post an article. But she seemed to be impressed enough in my articulation of all that has happened, and will happen, to suggest it. I took that as a compliment. You know, I may just do it. Maybe I'll write a whole book. Imagine NYT best seller, nationwide book signings, bookings on talk shows; hell, maybe even made into a movie. Yeah right.... I know....

When I went to the electrolysis clinic, the technician and i were talking about how frequent I want to come in. She even suggested a closer clinic to where I live. And she even said I can mix both places up to better fit my schedule. So tomorrow I will contact the other clinic to see how soon I can get in there. The problem is that I have to go without shaving for a few days so there is enough hair to work with. That I do not like....

Well, anyway, that's all for now. I wish I could write more, but I just have a lot to do with family right now, so I can only get on so often. BTW, hello to all of the new members and I apologize for being remiss in not welcoming you all. And remember, there are a lot of wonderful ladies here, that have a plethora of knowledge they are always willing to share. Love you all, Michelle Heart Heart

Messages In This Thread
I've lost count....... - by MichelleL - 11-14-2019, 09:35 PM
RE: I've lost count....... - by Anne - 11-15-2019, 08:40 AM
RE: I've lost count....... - by MichelleL - 11-16-2019, 09:34 AM
RE: I've lost count....... - by michelle.busty - 11-17-2019, 07:30 PM
RE: I've lost count....... - by Anne - 11-18-2019, 07:36 AM
RE: I've lost count....... - by MichelleL - 11-17-2019, 08:47 PM

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