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Something from another forum....
On another forum I saw a post about 'the grouping of trans people and Crossdressers being insulting'. I'm sure that some may have had to deal with this, or have been exposed to it. So, I replied to what my thoughts are. I am not great intellectual mind by any stretch of the imagination in any bizarre world, but I thought I'd go out on a limb and post my response. It seems that someone awhile back made the following comment; "either we all hang together, or we most assuredly will hang separately". So, on that note, I offer the following:

Well, a few minutes ago I checked the world population clock, and it showed that there are at least 7,695,494,910 people on the planet, and that means there are that many 'labels'. I'd like to think I do not begrudge anyone calling themselves anything. As for others calling me something; most would do it because they just don't know, and are sincerely ignorant and afraid of coming off ignorant. And there are a few others that will be just hateful. And there is nothing I can do do about that. You can't fix stupid? As for me; I started out 'crossdressing' and found that that wasn't the answer to what was in my head and heart. And the more I looking into myself, the more I felt like what I understood as transgender. Do I have male DNA - yes. Do I think, feel, and act like what society as deemed as feminine - yes. Do I look at other males as potentially intimate partners when I 'must' dress male - no. Do I look at other males as potentially intimate partners when I dress as who I am - yes. Am I complete in the transitional journey I am living - no. All that said, I consider myself a transgendered heterosexual female. That is the best label I can put on myself for how I think, feel, act, and wish to appear. I still need my partial bottom surgery, full top surgery, finish body hair removal, and continue to grow my hair out. Until that happens, Michelle is one happy lady. Now, if the medical community, and the world, would just catch up with me, and listen to me about my knowing more about me than they do; Michelle would be out of this world happy.

Hugs to all, Michelle

Messages In This Thread
Something from another forum.... - by MichelleL - 04-06-2019, 07:32 PM
RE: Something from another forum.... - by Anne - 04-07-2019, 07:19 AM
RE: Something from another forum.... - by Anne - 04-07-2019, 07:50 PM

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