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The Transition Pill Chapter 5 - Am I The Only One? - Printable Version

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The Transition Pill Chapter 5 - Am I The Only One? - Anne - 04-24-2020

Chapter 5 - Am I the Only One?

Dave Wilson gets an early start on his day.  He works at his equipment, programming nanoprobes.  Several guides to small tactical arms...disassembly, reassembly, operational instructions.  Several guides to urban fighting for infantryman, islamic state, terrorism and counter-terrorism.  Survival guides in the outdoors.  He downloads knowledge about knives, how to fight with them and knife throwing skills.  Next comes programming for speaking and writing languages...Spanish, Portugese, German, French, Russian.  For good measure he adds in Mandarin Chinese.  Having finished the nano-probes, he moves on to the DNA enzymes.  He focuses on major body components in which soft tissue and bone tissue will transform me into a 25 year old female.  He sets up the enzyme that will alter hair DNA color to dark auburn.  He thinks to himself how Steve/Anne likes his blue eyes but the thought strikes him about vision enhancement so he sets up enzymes that will alter vision to 20/15, slightly better than the gold standard of 20/20 but not disaffecting my near vision.  He fine tunes the female features per my request.  Enzymes are altered so that more fat is deposited into the breasts to create full DD breasts.  DNA strands will be altered so that the areolas will grow to two inches in diameter, milk duct glands will develop.  Turning his attention to the lower half of me, muscle structure will alter so that a 24” waistline forms.  As the hips transition, the bone structure will splay out to form 36” hips.  Muscle and fat distribution come into play which will interact with the hip structure to create the wide hips with more fat deposited into the female buttocks.  Turning his attention to the reproductive system, he sets up the transitional development from male to female.  Permanent birth control is worked within the DNA strands.  Length of time is set for 72 hours.  Sleep inducing enzymes are incorporated.  ‘Ok, now for a test diagnosis’, he thinks.  Running the test, he receives a failure display.  What?  He runs the test again and realizes that, coupled with the probes, he is incorporating too much into the pill.  ‘Shit, that means I need to remove some of this.  But what?  If it weren’t for the nano-probes, it’d be no problem.  I’m not that far from a successful test.  What to remove?’  These thoughts run through his mind.  He decides to remove the birth control feature, he runs the test again.  Success!  It’s only a 3-day pill, he figures, so I’ll tell him to be careful and I’ll add the birth control to the other pills, since we won’t need the nano-probes for the future pills.  The development and test of this one pill took more time than expected.  Summers enters the room and approaches him, interrupting his goal of making more pills.

It was a restless night for me.  I cannot help but wonder what is the real me versus what is something that’s been programmed into my brain.  This all innocently started as my wanting to simply change into a genetic woman and experience what it’s like to live in that beautiful world of womanhood.  Instead I’ve become some pawn of TSE and other group that have been watching me...but to what end?  Now I fear for my life, the lives of my friends, how do I stop all this?  Can I ever go back to my previous life?  I think about last night’s struggle against Joe Jackson and his goon.  I’m amazed and simultaneously shocked at my abilities to hurl myself at threats with lethal force, seemingly without thought...just reactive force against danger inflicted upon me.  Can I control this or is it controlling me?

I think about all of this as I drive to TSE.  It’s the middle of the afternoon as I pull into TSE’s parking lot.  Idling in the parking spot, I watch as a dark blue sedan pulls into a nearby spot.  Nobody departs the vehicle and I think it’s Joe Jackson or one of his goons following me.  I won’t fall asleep as I begin my transition back to Steve until 10:00 pm but I need to see Dave Wilson.  I enter the building and I am greeted by that pesky receptionist again.

Hell of a greeting.  “Yes, it’s me again.”  What did Dave call me?  Oh yeah.  “Yes, could you please contact Dave Wilson and tell him that Anne Smith is here to see him.  I don’t have an appointment but he asked me to meet him here.”
“Hmmm.  You never have an appointment but it seems that everyone wants to see you.”  She buzzes Dave’s deskphone.  “Hello?”
“Yes, there is an Anne Smith here at the front.  She says you want to see her.”
“I’ll be right there.”
I cannot help myself and snarkily quip, “Told you.”
Dave arrives and takes me into a room.  I ask, “Do you have the pills for me?”
“I’ve only got one pill made.  It’s for 3 days duration.  They are watching me like a hawk.  I think they are on to me.  We need to stay apart as best we can.”  He hands me a small pill box.  I open it to see the pill within.
“Thanks Dave.  How soon can you make more?”
“I think it will take several days.  Here, program my cell number into your phone but give it a different id name.”  I do as he instructs and he records my number into his phone as well.
“Dave, I need you to do something for me.  My life may very well depend on it.  I need you to make me something that will counteract the effects of the sleeping agent when I fall asleep tonight.”
“What?  Do you realize that the pain with the transitioning back might be so intense that you could suffer some sort of brain damage?  Past customers who had minor physical modifications done, reported pain that was sometimes very intense.   Now, throw in a total body transformation...I don’t know if you can withstand it.”
“Unless you are going to sit by my bedside during this transition back time, how else will we prevent one of Summer’s friends from visiting me for the ultimate final visit.  Dave, I need to stay awake for this.  If I go insane, die….whatever happens I need to stay awake to stop them on my own.”
“Ok, I’ll make you something.  Don’t worry, I’ll get it to you.”
“Ok, now escort me to Summers like you just came and got me.”  We walk to Summers’ office.  Entering we are confronted with the presence of Joe Jackson, along with Dr. Summers.
Dave announces, “Our patient has arrived for their transitioning back appointment for tonight.  I saw her arrive and brought her to you.”
Summers and Jackson eye Dave Wilson suspiciously.  “Ok Dave”, Summers replies, “We’ll handle her from here.”  Dave notes that Summers’ computer is on and open before he leaves the room.

Joe Jackson looks at me.  “You’re here a bit early.”  I glare back at him.
“I’m here to make sure you don’t do anything rash to hurt my friends.”
“Don’t worry, Steve.  Now that you’re here, they’ll be just fine.”
“Some day, I hope it’s just you and me.  Then, you’ll never threaten my friends or me again.”  I can’t believe those words slipped out of my mouth.  I can’t imagine I would ever say anything like that in the past but what have I been morphing into?  Have the nanoprobes changed me...permanently?  Has my brain become so screwed up from transitioning back and forth that I’ll never go back to being Steve 100%?  Is it some motherly instinct that takes over, even though I’m in a hermaphrodite state?
Jackson replies, “Sweetheart, don’t get testy now.  Just a few more hours and everything will go back to normal.  Back to the way it was for everybody.”
Summers interrupts, “Lets get him into the room.”

Dave Wilson watches as Summers and Jackson escort me to the room where I will transition back.  When we have gone, he slips into Summers office and quickly starts tapping on the keyboard.  Summers can’t be that smart, he thinks, leaving his computer open.  As he searches through files, Wilson discovers a file simply labeled ‘Test subjects’.  He opens it up and as he looks over a spreadsheet, he is shocked by the data.
Test subject 1...intracranial hemorrhage, Result...death.
Test subject 2...Severe organ failure...Result...death.   And so the list continued, death after death from transition test subjects.
Test subject 14...severe psychosis...Removal of subject by agency.
Test subject 23...significant deformities...removal of subject by agency.
Test subject 31...successful physical transition...subject disappeared, whereabouts unknown.   ‘Whereabouts unknown, but where to?’ Wilson thinks to himself.   Then the next line…
Test subject 32...mixed physical changes due to premature removal of transitional enzymes during removal of data nanoprobes.  ‘Shit’ Wilson thinks, ‘that’s how Steve’s transition got screwed up!’  More data shows money transfers from the National Security Defense Agency to a private account for Summers.  He inserts a flash drive into the computer and downloads all the data.

Summers and Jackson direct me into the same room where I had my first two transitions.  It’s too early to remove my clothes so I remain dressed.  Jackson posts a guard outside so any attempt to leave will cause a commotion.  I nervously pace the room, anticipating tonight’s changes and wondering what the future will hold.  After a while, Dave Wilson arrives and I hear him talking to the guard to overcome the guard’s objections.
“I’m sorry sir but my orders are that no one is to see the patient.”
“I understand but he needs his vitals checked.  If you wish, you can watch me.”
“Ok, but be quick about it.”
Together, Dave and the guard enter the room.  I’m surprised to see Dave but before I say anything, he says “I’m here to check your vitals.  Would you please have a seat?”  So I sit down in a chair and he whispers “I have a pill to stop the sleep.”  I gently nod my head and he slips a small pill into my hand.  The guard looks on disinterestedly and I whisper back “Dave, make me the same transition pills for as long a time period as you can.”
“Sure, years, the longer the better.”
“What about the short time period ones?
“Yes, several of those too.  But I want the ones that will change me for years...many years.”
“Ok.  When you change with the first pill, stop here to get the remaining pills.  No one will know or recognize you.”
“Ok.  Dave….” I grab his arm and look him in the eyes.  “Thank you” and I reach out and kiss him on the cheek.  Dave looks at me and smiles.
Dave leaves the room with the guard.  I go into the bathroom, turn on the faucet for water.  I look at the pill and take a deep breath.  “Please God, make this work”.  I swallow the pill.  Reentering the room, I look at the clock.  It’s 5:00 pm.

Dave Wilson approaches Summers office when he notices Jackson closing the door with Summers inside.  He slips into the next office and shuts the door.  Positioning himself by the air duct on the wall that separates him from Summers office, he listens to their conversation.
Summers: “Damn it, I am not doing your dirty work, Sullivan.”
Wilson notes to himself, ‘so the thug’s name is Sullivan.  Good to know, I guess.’
Sullivan: “Fuck it Summers.  This guy has turned into a real pain in the ass.  He’s a threat to us.”
Summers: “I’ll get the data probes out of him for you, but I’m not doing your dirty work.”
Sullivan: “Finish him off, then extract the probes.”
Summers: “You don’t understand.  When he’s alive, we inject an enzyme that signals the probes to release from his brain and travel via bloodstream to the IV extraction point.  It’s simple.  It’s safe.”
Sullivan: “I don’t give a shit about safe.  Simple?  Yes, it will be simple if we eliminate him and withdraw the probes from his dead brain.”
Summers: “If you kill him, I won’t be responsible if we can’t access all the probes.  It will take weeks, maybe months or even longer to sift through his brain matter to locate microscopic data probes and extract them….one by one.”
Sullivan: “I’ll take responsibility.  This guy’s a danger to the agency.  I want him eliminated first and then you extract the probes.  Worst case, we’ll find another test subject.”
Summers: “No. Please, don’t make me do it.”
Wilson thinks to himself ‘you’re pleading like a little bitch now.  You’re gonna do it and you know it...you bastard.”
Sullivan: “Don’t turn this into a choice for the agency between you and him, Summers.”
Summers: “Ok, ok.  I’ll give him an injection of heroin, fentanyl and carfentanil.  That will induce a lethal heart attack.  I’ll wait for his time to go to sleep and then give him the injection.  No fighting, no mess.”
Sullivan: “Great.  Let’s do it.”

At this, Wilson scrambles back to the room.  Confronting the guard, he advises it’s another vitals check.  This time the guard let’s him in and remains outside the room.
“Steve.  Anne.  Shit, I just overheard Summers and Sullivan talking.”
“Who’s Sullivan?”
“He’s the goon that’s been with Summers all this time.  That’s his name.”
“Ok.  What else?”
“They’re after data nano probes that are embedded inside areas of your brain.  Normally, they would be extracted through an IV.  But Sullivan wants you dead and extraction done afterwards.  If they kill you, it’s a messy way of doing it but it can be done.  Summers is going to wait until after you go to sleep, which isn’t going to happen.  He plans to inject you with a concoction of heroin, fentanyl and carfentanil to cause a lethal heart attack.  I grab the pillbox.  “Dave, I’m gonna take this now.  Any way you can make something that will make the transition process speed up?”
“I was working on something but I don’t know if it will work.”
I take the pill out of the box and swallow it.  “Get it.”

Dave leaves the room and I await the changes to occur, removing my clothes.  At first, I register nothing happening.  Then I feel sensitive, tingly feelings all over my body.  I go to lie down on the bed and my head starts feeling dizzy.  After a few minutes, Dave Wilson returns with a syringe.  He wraps a tourniquet around my upper arm, swabs my arm at the basilic vein, and injects me.
“What’s gonna happen Dave?”
“Anne, if this works, your changes are gonna happen within an hour.  I injected you with an enzyme accelerator.  Your body’s gonna work in overdrive now.  I would hate to be you.  Good luck.”  At that, he leaves the room.
Within a minute, my head feels like it’s being hit with the force of a thousand migraines.  It’s everything I can do to keep myself from crying out in pain.   I roll out of the bed and stagger to the bathroom.  Grabbing a towel, I put it in my mouth to bite down, grunting through the towel to desperately relieve pain.  I look at my hands and arms and see a bit more of the skin tightening up.  Perhaps it’s because my body is already transformed to a 36-24-35 hermaphrodite, that I’m not racked by the pain that Wilson expected.  I roll over to the floor in a fetal position.  This seems to help but my scalp feels like it’s on fire.  Dark auburn hair grows out at a rapid rate.  Keeping in the fetal position, I roll onto my knees.  My breasts are growing, I feel their greater weight hanging from my chest.  The cool floor feels good against my skin and I lie down upon my back to maximize the relief it seems to bring.  Time is passing but I cannot tell if 10 minutes or 40 minutes have elapsed.  I don’t want to look at the clock for fear of the mental anguish it would cause if barely any time elapsed.  My groin is rocked with pain….contractions??  A funny thought strikes me...what if this is what my future periods will resemble?  Before I can laugh, pain makes my hips feel like they’re tearing apart.  God help me.  I feel below and my penis has receded. It would appear my sex organs are completely female.  Eventually the pain eases.  Is it over?  I feel exhausted but the anti-sleep pill that Wilson gave me is doing its job.  I look in the mirror to see if the changes are complete.  Long auburn hair has long blonde ends and frames a beautiful face that I don’t recognize.  Blue eyes look at high cheekbones and full lips.  Nice job Dave!  My breasts are large and teardrop shaped, perky and firm, highlighted by large pink areolas.  A thin waist curves out to 36” hips supported by athletic muscular legs.  I look at the clock and it says 9:30.  I’d love to check myself over but that prick Summers could be here any minute.  I lay in bed and pull the sheets over me.  Thoughts race through my head.  How will I escape?  How do I get away?

Minutes seem like hours as I await Summers’ arrival.  Finally...footsteps approach outside.  I’m lying on my side, facing away from the door.  I’ve tucked my too long hair underneath my head, but leaving some of the blonde ends to help conceal the auburn that now covers my head.  My left arm is exposed from the sheets as a bait.  Summers shuffles to the bedside.  I hear him fumbling with the syringe.  “Steve, I’m really sorry to do this to you.”  He grabs my arm with his left hand, holding the syringe in his right.  I fling the sheets off me and twist my arm, causing him to lose his grip.  Instead, I grab his right arm which holds the syringe with its deadly toxin with my left hand.  Making a fist, I thrust my arm forward.  Fury in my eyes, I tell him “Never hurt a woman.”  My fist and arm form a straight line to deliver the most force.  My fist crashes into his nose, sending him backwards against the wall and then he falls forward to the floor.  I jump out of bed and roll him over.  Falling over, the needle punctured his chest, his weight pushing the plunger forward, delivering the toxic mixture into his body.  Summers looks at the syringe sticking inside his chest and then looks up at me with the pleading eyes of a man who knows he’s been delivered a death sentence.  He utters “help…” but that is all as the mixture does its job, sending his body into cardiac arrest.  His eyes roll back and he shudders slightly and then he is still.
Hearing the commotion, the guard opens the door.  Standing before him, I am completely naked for him to see.  The vision of my large breasts and womanly curves catches him off guard.  I grab his arm and pull him in, my right leg kicks the door shut.  He’s slightly taller than me but I grab his head between my hands and plant a kiss directly on his mouth.  With the sensual vision of my body fresh in his mind and the application of a kiss, I’ve temporarily disarmed him mentally.  I go to work as my right knee thrusts into his groin as I release our kiss.  He doubles over in pain and I deliver a second knee thrust to the temple of his head, rendering him unconscious as he falls backwards to the floor.  I need to get dressed as I look at both men lying there.  I think I’ll draw less attention with Summers’ medical clothing so I undress him.  But first I put on the guard’s pants as I want some clothing protection and pockets.  I put on Summers’ shirt and then it's on with the medical garb.  ‘Damn this long hair’ I think out loud.  I drag both men to the bathroom.  The guard is carrying a knife in a sheath on his leg.  I pull the knife out of the sheath and start cutting my hair into shorter lengths as I watch in the bathroom mirror.  I almost toss the hair on the floor but I wonder if the hair, the DNA within it, could be used to identify me later on.  I toss the hair I hack off into the toilet, flushing several times to avoid clogging.  A final chop and the hair reaches to my shoulders.  I love the color of the slight red tint to my auburn hair but I sure need the services of a salon after all the chopping I did.  I laugh to myself at such a silly thought during such a tense situation.  Next I remove Summers’ green scrubs and put them on me.  It’s loose fitting but it’ll have to do.  Luckily my shoes as blonde Amber fit me since the shoes of the two men are much too large to be of any use.  I attach the knife and it’s sheath to my leg, wrapping the velcro straps around my leg.  I’ve no way to hide it but I’ll take a knife to a gun fight if I have to.  Next is Summers’ scrub cap on my head to hide my auburn hair.  Finally, his face mask.
Bending over the guard, I pick up his Beretta 9mm.  Pressing the mag release button, the magazine drops and I confirm it’s loaded.  I pop the mag back into the handle and check the chamber as well, safety on.  I don’t have a convenient way to hide the handgun so I’ll have to hold it and tuck it.  I pause and think about how I methodically checked the handgun with no second guessing.  Those nano probes did a nice job putting info into my brain.   A final check around the room and I cannot believe my luck.  My car fob and wallet are still here.  Into a pocket they go and I’m ready to leave.

Opening the door slowly I peer down the hallway.  I open the door further to look the other way.  There is no one in view.  Stepping out of the room, I decide I need chaos and pandemonium.  I see a fire alarm.  Pulling the knife from its sheath, I smash the glass box with the butt end of the knife and pull down the handle.  The shrill of the fire alarm sounds off and I duck into a dark, unoccupied room near the doors to the main entrance.  I hear the sounds of running footsteps in the hallway.  Soon enough I hear Sullivan’s voice yelling to his fellow henchmen, “Goddamn it, he’s gone.  Search the building.”
Impatiently I await the arrival of the fire department.  ‘Fuck, where are they?’  Finally, I hear the sirens as several trucks and vehicles draw close.  Looking out the window, the flashing red lights announce their arrival.  The building is not that crowded since it’s nighttime but there are workers in the building.  People are now filing out and I use them as cover for my exit.  The medical garb serves its purpose and I am exiting out the building.  As I expected, nobody has a clue where the meeting point is.  They are milling about and I use the confusion to make my way to my car.  Jumping into my Tesla, I start the electric engine.  It’s quiet enough and I back out of the parking spot, the car lights turned off.  I drive away from TSE, alternating my choice of streets.  Eventually, I pull over on a side street.  Gotta get my bearings.  I can’t go home, they’ll look there first.  I can’t go to Michelle’s place.  God, I would hate myself if they did anything to her.  A car drives by.  Paranoid thoughts fill my head, ‘hmmmm, is that them searching for me?’  I wonder if they have any tracking device attached to this car.

I worry about bringing my friends into this nightmare scenario, but I feel like I have no choice.  I give Deshawn a call, too early for Deshawn to call it a day or night.
“Deshawn, it’s Amber the hermaphrodite.  Remember me?”
“Shit, how can I forget.  What you need?”
“I need to meet you somewhere discreet.”
“You must be in some sort of trouble.  What’s going on?”
“I have people looking for me.  I need your help.”
“Why should I bother.  You mean nothing to me.”
“You’d help your friend, Steve.”
“Well, you ain’t Steve.”
“What if I can prove that by helping me, you’re helping Steve?”
“Shit.  This conversation’s going nowhere.”
I’m getting desperate now.  “Deshawn, please it’s Steve.”
“What do you mean it’s Steve?”
“I mean, I am Steve.  I’ve been changed and I need your help.”
“This is crazy shit.  I’m hanging up.”
“Deshawn.  When I was the older woman Gail. I told you about the 84th street incident.  As Amber, you set me up with the porn producer.  For God sakes, please.”
The phone is silent and I wonder if he hung up.  “Meet me at the Ambassador Hotel parking lot.  I’ll be there in 10 minutes.  What are you driving?”
“I’m in my red Tesla.”

I pull into the Ambassador parking lot and park near a light but not directly underneath.  I wait for what seems like forever.  5 minutes stretches into 10, then 15, then 20.  I’m getting ready to leave, when a voice calls out from the dark.  “Step out of the car.”  I do as I’m instructed, standing there, still dressed in the medical garb.  “You’re not Amber.”
“I am but I’ve changed.  I’m Steve but I’m not Steve.”
I briefly tell the story about TSE and what I’ve gone through with bodily changes with the transition pills.
“That’s the craziest shit I ever heard.”
“Deshawn, if you don’t help me, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“If you truly are Steve, drive to my place and meet me there.”
“I don’t know if this car is bugged or not.  I need your help to sell and move it, even if it’s not bugged.”
“We’ll leave your car here.  C’mon with me to my place.”
“I should keep away from your place.  I’ve already dragged you too much into this.  Can you put me in a hotel room in your name?”
“Ok, but not this place.”  I get in his car and he drives me to a seedier motel.  He gets the room and soon we are seated inside.   I go over the TSE story again along with the events in porn valley in California.
Deshawn confronts me, “you mean I was fucking you when you were that woman?”
“And you mean that you blew me when you were a chick with a dick?”
Deshawn grabs me by the shirt sleeves and starts screaming, “you stupid fuck!!!.....”
Sensing a threat, I react.  My arms reach underneath and between his arms.  Swinging my arms outwards, I break his grip, my right leg extends behind his right leg and pulls his legs from underneath as my hands push down.  He falls onto his back as my arm reaches back then thrusts forward to strike him in the temple with the heel of my hand but I stop short of hitting him.  Deshawn’s eyes are open wide in fear as he looks into the blazing fury of my eyes.   I look at what I’ve done to my friend.  My face changes from fury to sadness and tears well up in my eyes.  In seconds I am a blubbering baby as I sit back and sob a river of tears.  My raw emotions exposed, Deshawn sees for the first time that I am who I am, a man transformed into a woman who is swept up in a storm that was not of my making.  He gets up and sits next to me and puts his arms around me, hugging me.  I put my head into his chest and cry all the more.
“Deshawn, I am so sorry.  I don’t want to hurt you.  I don’t want to hurt anyone.  I just want to be me.”
Deshawn comforts me, “there, there.  We’ll make this all better.  Somehow, we’ll make this all better.”
“I’m so tired.  I think the anti-sleep pill is starting to wear off.”
“Baby, why don’t you go shower and get ready for bed.  I’ll watch out for you, here in the room.”
I shower and towel myself dry.   I enjoy the changes in my new body as I bend over to dry my legs, how my new DD breasts hang from my chest, filling me with a strong sense of femininity.  I wrap a towel around my head and another around my body.  I call out to Deshawn, “I’m coming out now.”  As I step out, Deshawn is taken aback by my curves and beauty.  Significant cleavage broadcasts the sizeable breasts that my body possesses.
“Is this really what you want?”
“Oh God, Deshawn, I’ve dreamed about being this...all my life.”
“What do I call you?  What’s your name?”
“My name is Anne, Anne Preuss.”  I crawl into bed and pull the blanket over me.  Deshawn leans over and kisses me on the cheek.  Good night, Anne.  We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

Sleep takes over me, so deeply that it’s as if a thousand dreams flicker through my mind.  Nothing makes sense as blurry images come and go.  Nothing is in focus but I sleep so very deeply.  My eyes slowly open to light filtering through the window blinds.  I look over at a figure sitting in a chair in the semi-darkness.  It’s Deshawn.  I look at him through sleepy eyes.  “Mmmm, what time is it?”
“Shit no, p.m.”
I sit up so fast that the blanket tumbles off me, exposing my large teardrop shaped breasts for Deshawn to see.  “3:30 pm!!!  I was so exhausted.  I still feel tired but oh, that was such a nice sleep” as I rub my face.
Deshawn is clearly captivated by the sight of my mammaries.  “Mmmm mmmm, damn girl, you are so gorgeous.”  I pull the blanket back up to cover them.
“I have so much to figure out.  Deshawn, I need to sell the Tesla.  Can you help me?
“Sure, I can help you unload it.  But you won’t get what it’s worth.”
“I don’t care.  I’d be grateful if you could get what you can for me.”
“I need to rent some wheels to do some shopping today if you’d be so sweet to take me to a rental shop.”
“I’ll do better and lend you a set of wheels.”
“You are a sweetheart but I’ll rent.  I don’t want to be driving a car that’s traced back to you in case I should be caught by these goons.”  With that I take a quick shower, dry off and dress in the clothes from last night.  I feel disgusting wearing them.  We hit the McDonalds drive thru and then drive to the car rental shop.  “Deshawn, will I see you later?”
“Sorry but I got some stuff goin’ down.  Not tonight.”
“Thanks for everything you helped me with.”  At that, I kiss his cheek again.  I get out and he drives off.  Using my fabricated ID for Anne Preuss, I rent a small, underpowered sedan, understated and definitely not flashy...exactly what I need to stay under the radar.  Next I visit a mall department store and purchase some bras, a jumpsuit, skinny jeans, blouses and a pair of wedges.  It was an interesting experience trying different styles that could accommodate my large breasts.  As soon as I make my purchases, I change into the jumpsuit.  I pick up a nice pair of hoop earrings too along with a necklace.  God, I feel and look so wonderful.  Shopping is such an escape from what I went through the prior day.  Visiting the food court, I sit at a table.  Lost in my thoughts, my eyes wander but then I spot him looking at me from two tables over.  From my view, he looks quite handsome.  Curly, short-cut brown hair, chiseled features.  I glance towards him and break out in a smile, then look downwards like a shy schoolgirl.  Is this what I’m genetically inclined to do as a female to attract my “dominant” mate?  He gets up and walks to my table.  ‘Oh God, my hair’ I think to myself.  I never got a chance to get to the hairdresser.  Luckily my jumpsuit shows off my cleavage to distract him.”
“I can’t believe you're all by yourself.”
“I can’t believe it took you so long to come here.”  We both break out in smiles.  God, he’s got a great smile.   He’s broad chested with strong arms, well built.  “Are you going to sit?”
He does and extends out his hand, “hi, I’m Ian.  Ian Lancaster.”
“Well, hello there Ian Lancaster.  I’m Anne Preuss.”
Ian sits down and we talk over silly things.  It’s a feeling out process for both of us.  I thoroughly enjoy “playing” with him as I change positions in my chair, crossing and recrossing my legs, bending over so he can see how well endowed my chest is.  But it goes beyond the physical.  I feel comfortable in his presence and he’s a good conversation.  Ian comes across as a good person too.  He’s a former Army Ranger, unmarried with a mom, dad, brother and sister and is an independent computer specialist, fixing and programming computers and electronic devices.  I wish I had similar stories to share.  I make up a story about being an only child and my parents are gone.  He reaches out to hold my hands when I tell him this and he appears genuinely moved.  His large hands envelope mine to hold them, I feel a warmth and strength emanating from him.  I feel so attracted to him, my heart beating faster, my breathing is faster.  He looks at me and I blush.
“Anne, I have to go.  I have to get up early for work tomorrow.”
“Yes, I understand.  Me too.”
We both get up.  He’s probably 6’2” tall.  “Anne, will I see you again?”
“Give me your phone” and I type my cell # into his contacts.  “Only if you call.”
We look to each other and pause.  Ian puts his arms around my waist to hold me tight and kisses me.  I love the feel of his strength as he holds me tight, my breasts pressed against his chest.  When we unclench, I’m flustered in a good way.  “I’ll look forward to that call.”  Then, he turns to walk away and I watch him until he is out of sight.  I let out a sigh and walk to my car to drive back to the motel.

Coming Up….Chapter 6 - More pills and more trouble